it seemed a bit odd.

It was the first day of the Burnham-on-Sea Book Festival today, and a great day it was! I will write about it on Sunday evening, or Monday, when it’s all over but in the meantime I’ll share the beginning of something I wrote in between different events we attended. I couldn’t really concentrate on editing my next novel, and I haven’t yet got any firm ideas about writing for next week’s writing group topic. I just randomly started writing something, and ended up with the beginning of a short story. The main character is a man, the pedantic style is deliberate, and this is the beginning of the story:

 I just don’t know what happened to her, one moment she was there, then she took the milk bottles out to put  on the step and she didn’t come back. I don’t know what happened, I thought she must have come back and gone upstairs – I came out of the kitchen and the front door was open. I shut it- I didn’t look outside, why should I, I thought she had gone upstairs. I went into the front room to see if there were any cups left lying about, but there weren’t so I went back into the kitchen and emptied the water out of the sink, did the drying up and put everything away.
I was going to make our lunch to take to work but then thought I’d go up and have a shower and get ready for work. I went up and the bathroom was empty so I went and had a shower and cleaned my teeth. Then I went into the bedroom and got dressed. I  brushed my hair and made the bed then I went downstairs. She hadn’t made our lunches so I did and put them in our lunch bags. I locked the back door and went into the hall and called out asking if she was ready to go. She didn’t answer but I took our bags and lunch boxes to the car, I took our jackets too – it wasn’t supposed to rain but you never know.
I came back to the door and called out asking if she was ready then told her I’d sit in the car. I put the radio on and was listening to the news and I realised that time was getting on. I went back to the house and called up for her to hurry or we’d catch the traffic then went outside to the car. After another five minutes and then went back to the house again, and popped my head inside and called  her.
I went upstairs because I thought maybe she was in the bedroom doing her makeup or something but she wasn’t so  I came back downstairs and went into the kitchen. I thought perhaps she didn’t realise I had made our lunches and was making them but she wasn’t there.
I went into the dining room for some reason but it was empty. I didn’t think anything of it and went back to the sitting room thinking she might have sat down to message someone but she wasn’t there. I was beginning to think this was a bit ridiculous but then I realised she must have popped to the loo so I shouted out to hurry up because of the traffic and went back to the car.
I had only just shut the car door when I suddenly thought that maybe she was feeling poorly so I went back into the house. I shut the front door and went into the sitting room and for some reason looked behind the settee, and behind the curtains where they were pulled back. I went into the dining room and looked behind the curtains in front of the French windows and even looked under the table for some reason.
I was a bit puzzled, it seemed a bit odd.

I will finish it tomorrow on day two of the fest and share it here in the evening.


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