Hosting a boggart

I’ve mentioned several times that we have a boggart in our house. If you experience ordinary household items of no value disappearing, only to be found later in a most unexpected place, then it may be that you too have a boggart. If you’re sure you put your keys in the small pot on the mantelpiece, and then you find them in the vegetable rack, or you know you put that important piece of paper (IPoP) in the file you keep important pieces of paper in, but you find it in a recipe book or your underwear drawer, then it could very well be that you too are hosting a boggart.

Boggarts are kind creatures, they mean well, they are constantly trying to be helpful; they love you and those who share your home – and any visitors who come just to drop in or to stay for a few days, even work people who come to service/mend/install items and they want to assist in looking after objects big and small which are put down, even for a moment. How many times have you said “where is that ****? I just had it in my hand a minute ago!” Your boggart will have noticed and will have put it somewhere safe and obvious (obvious in boggart terms)

We’ve had a boggart for years, he even comes on holiday with us, in fact he even comes out shopping so when we can’t find the list we wrote or the bags we brought, they are actually somewhere safe – in the car for example, while we are in the shop. However, I’ve only just discovered one of his store rooms. We’ve lived in this house for what seems like centuries but obviously is only a couple of decades, and when we moved in it was empty, so everything in it is what we’ve brought with us or bought since. Today I was sorting out the carrier bags. For some reason we seem to have several dozen (maybe the boggart goes shopping) We keep them under the stairs, and while looking for them I found all sorts of treasures. Tinned and bottle goods I bought many years ago and then had to buy replacements because they had vanished, bags of flour and sugar which had set solid, half empty bottles of various things I’d wanted to finish, oh and so many other things – till receipts, instructions, communications from utilities, recipe cards for things I would never want to make – and more.

The boggart himself was absent, maybe arranging odd items in the garage or the shed, or even in my drawers and wardrobe. I thanked him for his help, and planned to take everything out of the ‘under the stairs’, dust, hoover, and put it all back.


  1. Northwest nature and history

    I once worked for a farmer near Bashall who swore he had a boggart living in his old farm house, he used to put a saucer of milk on the hearth for it, he told me “he looks after my place but demand’s that he’s paid otherwise he upsets things”, I’m guessing that you need to put a saucer of milk down for it and then your stuff will stop being moved around!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lois

      Our boggart has more of a taste for a wee dram – he prefers Irish whiskey! We used to live on the edge of the Pennines and i think he came to stay while we were there and moved south with us.

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  2. himalayanbuddhistart

    What an enjoyable post, Lois. You have mentioned your boggart before and, do you know, I reckon you’re right, boggarts put things somewhere safe and obvious for you to find :-))) Today I looked for my sewing scissors, they belonged to my grandmother’s, I hadn’t seen them for a few weeks but knew they would eventually reappear. A few minutes ago I saw them on the board where my great grandmother’s scissors are displayed along with other ‘antiques’. The boggart must have thought it obvious to put grandma’s scissors next to great grandma’s!!! What would we do without our boggart!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. himalayanbuddhistart

        the link doesn’t take my to your blog but to mine, for some reason… I do remember you losing some jeans and for weeks you had us waiting for the outcome and it turned out the boggart had placed them in the airing cupboard or somewhere else which he thought helpful :-))) ha, ha, ha

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