V for… Writers in Stone!

I never would have guessed, when I noticed a poster in our lovely local Waterstone’s bookshop for a new book group, that by going along to the first meeting my life would change! I went along the Sunday afternoon of the first meeting, and the only person I knew among the dozen or so people, was the bookshop lady who was organising it. We introduced ourselves and talked about our favourite books and authors, and what genres we liked, and  something was chosen for us to read for the next month’s meeting. 

I thought from the start that the others seemed a nice, friendly, interesting bunch of people, and so it proved, and we got to know each other over the next few months. I have no clue as to the time scale – but it’s been going a long time. New people joined, some members left, but with one exception, everyone was pleasant, friendly and interesting. Nearly ten years ago I was in town and it was absolutely teeming down with rain, the streets were awash and everyone was rushing along.  I had my head down and almost collided with a man hurrying in the opposite direction. We reeled back, apologising and he pulled his hood away from his face and it was a book club person! We agreed it was vile weather, and quickly decided that a cup of coffee was exactly what we needed.

This unexpected collision was the start of my friendship with the Poet Macaque, aka Hamish MacNeil. A couple of years and more than a couple of dozen book club meetings, and many more than a couple of dozen coffees with Mac, we were once again gathered in Waterstones to share our opinions on the month’s chosen book. A new person arrived and joined the group, and I thought to myself, she looks interesting.  As the meeting progressed she made a few remarks and comments, as a newbie obviously weighing up the other readers. I was right, I discovered she was a very  interesting person, and before long she too became a good friend. She’s Fenja Hill, another gifted writer and you might have already guessed that the book club spawned a writing group.

‘Writers in Stone’ were so called because out first meetings were in Weston Quarry and over the years we have not only continued to write and meet, enjoying each other’s company but we are always amazed and inspired by the other writers.  Several of us have published books, but the group has published five anthologies – and the latest is available now!

The fifth anthology of work by the Somerset writing group Writers in Stone, V contains stories, poems and plays for voices on such diverse themes as Rope, Revenge, A Crime Story, Doctor, A Proverb, Social Media and more. With contributions from seven writers all with differing styles and traits, V is a literary treasure trove to dip into again and again.


By the way, you can also find Fenja Hill and Macaque aka Hamish MacNeil on Amazon (and me of course! 😉 !)

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