I dived straight in

The latest book by a favourite author is always much anticipated – I’m not sure when I made my order for Damien Boyd’s latest book but it was ages and ages ago, maybe even last year! Because Damien’s books are set in this area, I knew straight off from the title what a central aspect of his next DCI Nick Dixon novel  would be – Carnival Blues meant the local autumn carnivals would feature!

This link – https://www.bridgwatercarnival.org.uk/ gives you loads of information about the particular carnival which starts the novel, Bridgwater Carnival which happens every year (barring pandemics) in November. The next one will take place in 136 days from now! This most famous of the Somerset carnivals dates back to the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 when Guy Fawkes and his fellow conspirators tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament. https://www.bridgwatercarnival.org.uk/history/

I have the book as an actual book and an e-book, and it arrived on my Kindle a few minutes after midnight on its publication day. I dived straight into ‘Carnival Blues’ but I forced myself to put it down after a few chapters otherwise I would have been up all night. I finished it the following morning, and as ever, Damien’s story was utterly gripping, with believable characters, an intriguing plot and subplots, and unexpected twists right  to the end. One aspect I really enjoy and appreciate is the setting; the locations are based on real places and the descriptions are vivid and authentic.

I don’t want to give anything away about what happens; if you have read the other eleven novels, you will definitely want to and may already have read this one. If you haven’t come across Damien before, then you are in for an absolute treat and you will learn a great deal about the history of the Somerset, and the varying countryside and coastal areas of the county!

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