What can only be called a blood-bath

I mentioned yesterday that it was our writing group get together today, and the challenge was to write a well-known story or tale with a different twist. I wrote the wolf’s-eye view of Red Riding Hood’s visit to her grandma, and several others had chosen the same fairy tale with very different results, in fact one ended in what can only be called a blood-bath! One writer had decided on a ‘Treasure Island’, rewrite, set in a rather frightening dystopian future – I wonder if she will continue it, there’s more in store for the main character I feel sure!

As I was writing my Red Riding Hood story, it made me think of a delicious salad with that name which I last made for a family Christmas party,  a lovely sounding Ukrainian salad called Little Red Riding Hood salad because the top is covered with a crimson cloak of red pomegranate seeds which sparkle like jewels. My Ukrainian friend told me about it, but I think there are many recipes from surrounding countries which are very similar. Beneath the red topping there are layers of other ingredients and traditionally there are nine which include hard-boiled eggs, potatoes, onions, chicken, walnuts, carrots, cheese, mayonnaise. The salad is built in layers, so I guess it looks like a rainbow when it is cut into! One thing I discovered, the word for pomegranate in Ukrainian is the same as garnet the gemstone – isn’t that nice, pomegranate seeds really do look like bright little jewels!

From the top down (with occasional repeats to make it pretty and a few extras for flavour) and with mayonnaise dabbed here and there, here are the layers:

  • pomegranate seeds
  • rocket
  • potato salad
  • cranberry bread
  • spring onions
  • chicken
  • walnuts
  • carrots
  • beetroot

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